
Thank you for agreeing to take part in our survey "Impact of undergraduate student quality and institutional pressures on accounting academics". The following information provides some background into the survey.

We anticipate to present the results of this survey at an Accounting education conference and to publish it in an appropriate journal. The data will be securely stored for five (5) years after the publication date.

The questionnaire is voluntary and you may withdraw from the survey at any time. Completing and submitting the questionnaire is regarded as your informed consent. However, you can withdraw the data you provided within two (2) weeks from the date you submitted it by contacting the principal researcher.

Please contact CQUniversity’s Office of Research should there be any concerns about the nature and/or conduct of this research project.

Contact details are as follows:

Tel: 07 4923 2603;


Mailing address: Building 361, CQUniversity, Rockhampton QLD 4702

The survey can be accessed here:

Thank you in advance for your participation. The research team.

Contact details of principal researcher:

Dr Natasja Steenkamp

Senior Lecturer in Accounting

School of Business and Law CQU

Mackay Campus

Tel +61 (07) 4940 7857
